About CHEX
Climate Hazards and Extremes (CHEX) is a strategic project within the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research research theme Climate Hazard. CHEX an interdisciplinary project with 18 researchers from the University of Bergen, NORCE and the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center.
The main objective of the project is: «To provide policy-relevant information through improved projections of climate hazards and extremes, by integrating long-term time series from proxy records with numerical model output and Earth observation data.»
The project has four work packages:
- WP1: Science–Policy Bridging and Communication with Users
- WP2: Storms and their hydrological impact
- WP3: Sea-level rise, storm surges, and waves
- WP4: New time series of past and present climate extremes
Read more about the project here, or in About CHEX.